Spirituality is part of caring
Social projects should be bolder about integrating faith and practical action, argues Jon Kuhrt....
Social Action at the Crossroads
‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it,...
Resisting Tribal Theology and Going Deeper Together
(published as a chapter in Crossover City – Resources for Urban Mission and Transformation [Continuum,...
Preparing our hearts and lifting up our hands – by Ian Geary
13“If only you would prepare your heart and lift up your hands to him in prayer! 14Get rid of your...
Families Valued
by Jon Kuhrt (orginally published in 2008 in Third Way magazine) It is almost impossible to speak about...
Daring to mention the ‘F’ word
If we care about poverty then we must be prepared to talk about family life I believe in higher taxation...
Beyond Polarisation
(first published in Homeless Link’s Connect Magazine, May 2011. Note: this is an abridged version of...
Annual Donald Soper Sermon 2013: ‘Guard your Heart’
The following sermon was preached by Jon Kuhrt at Hinde Street Methodist Church on Sunday 27th January...
‘Proper Confidence in the Gospel’: the theology of Lesslie Newbigin
by Jon Kuhrt (first published by Fulcrum in 2009) This month marks the hundredth anniversary since the...
‘Homelessness and the three faces of poverty’: Hugh Price Hughes Lecture by Jon Kuhrt, 9th June 2015
I used to be a member of a church near King’s Cross, London which met in a converted pub which the...